Theosophical Society2nd Circle Gathering
Warning: please note this is a past event
Circles are symbolic of the interconnectedness of life, of us, creating together, of unity, everyone equal. How relevant this is for March, when International Women’s Day is celebrated, as it was not so long ago, that fields of science, spirituality, innovation and more, were solely the domain of men. However that changed dramatically when Madame Blavatsky entered this exclusive field. By her example, she enabled women to step up. From the floor, friends and members will explore and share who the lesser known women drivers behind the society are, and what their legacy is.
Contact Linda Davies 0417823769
To help pay for the hall a fee of $5 for Members and $7 non Members
Contact Linda Davies 0417823769
To help pay for the hall a fee of $5 for Members and $7 non Members
Sunday at 1.50pm 03-Mar-2024
Suncare Community Centre
4 George Street,
4 George Street,
No booking required, just turn up. Please add your name to the Who's Going list to let others know you will be attending.
142 people have viewed this event
Theosophical Society2nd Circle Gathering, Suncare Community Centre, Maroochydore, What To Do In Maroochydore